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Intelligent Watering: Invite Home Automation into Your Garden!



Home automation is a modern technology that allows you to control various systems in your home using your smartphone. It’s an efficient way to save energy and money. If you have a garden, it’s a great idea to consider home automation for optimizing plant watering and conserving drinking water.

How Does It Work?

Using a watering timer and several sophisticated sensors and algorithms, an intelligent watering system detects data points and variables in real-time, such as soil moisture and weather conditions. Based on these readings, the system can adjust the irrigation in your garden to provide your plants with the precise amount of water they need, and only when they need it. This means no more wasting water.

Benefits of Intelligent Watering Systems

  • Water Conservation: Using sensors to monitor soil moisture and weather conditions, these systems ensure that water is only used when necessary, significantly reducing water waste.
  • Optimal Plant Health: Providing the right amount of water at the right time helps maintain healthy plants, reducing the risk of overwatering or underwatering.
  • Convenience: Automating your garden watering means less manual work and more time to enjoy your garden.
  • Cost Savings: Efficient water usage translates to lower water bills, and healthier plants can mean fewer replacements and maintenance costs.

Advanced Features

Modern intelligent watering systems come with various advanced features:

  • Customizable Watering Schedules: Program the system to water your plants at the best times, such as early morning or late evening, when evaporation rates are lower.
  • Integration with Other Sensors: Depending on the system you choose, you may be able to connect it to other sensors, such as sunlight sensors, rain gauges, and even your rainwater collector. This allows for personalized watering programs tailored to different areas of your yard.
  • Remote Access: Control and monitor your garden’s irrigation from anywhere using your smartphone. Adjust settings, turn systems on or off, and receive alerts about your garden’s condition.

Get Started

Talk to local home automation companies to design a connected and sustainable garden. They can provide expert advice on the best systems for your needs and help you set up a fully integrated solution. You can create a more efficient, sustainable, and beautiful garden by embracing intelligent watering.


Landscaping: Factors to Consider When Planting the Right Tree in the Right Place



Are you thinking of planting a tree or multiple trees on your property? Whether you select the location or the tree first, there are certain factors you need to consider to ensure the tree survives and thrives. Here are a few important considerations:

Soil Type

Different tree species have specific soil preferences. You must determine if your soil is dry, damp, sandy, or loamy and choose a tree that will grow well in those conditions. Some trees prefer well-drained soil, while others thrive in moist, rich soils. Testing your soil or consulting with a local expert can help you understand your soil’s characteristics.


Another important factor is the amount of sunlight your planting site receives and the amount required by the tree species. Some trees need full sun, which means at least six hours of direct sunlight per day, while others can tolerate or even prefer partial shade. Match the tree’s sunlight needs with the available light in the chosen location.

Hardiness Zone

Choose a species that can survive in your region’s hardiness zone, or it may not make it through the winter. Hardiness zones are determined by the average minimum winter temperature of a region. Planting a tree suited to your zone increases its chances of survival and growth. You can find your hardiness zone on the USDA website or other gardening resources.

Tree Characteristics

You must consider various aspects of the tree, including its height, width, shape, type, color of the leaves, flowering habits, and other characteristics that suit the available space and match your preferences. Think about how large the tree will grow at maturity and whether it will fit comfortably in your space without interfering with structures or other plants.


If your yard has a swimming pool, vegetable garden, parking area, or power lines, it will influence your choice of tree species and location. For example, you don’t want a tree whose fruit will fall on your car or the neighbor’s property or that will eventually shade your vegetable garden. Consider how the tree’s growth might impact its surroundings over time.

Local Regulations

Some cities and towns have specific requirements regarding the species planted and the location. There may be restrictions on planting certain trees due to their invasive nature or potential impact on public utilities. Check with your local government or homeowners’ association for any regulations or guidelines.

Consult an Expert

Don’t hesitate to consult your local plant nursery to make an informed decision. Nursery staff can offer valuable advice on the best tree species for your soil, climate, and specific needs. They can also provide tips on planting and care techniques to ensure your tree thrives.

Good to Know

The Arbor Day Foundation has compiled a Tree Guide with various resources to help you decide which tree to plant in your yard. For more information, visit

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Hedges 101: Which Ones Have You Heard Of?



Do you want to demarcate or embellish your property without putting up a fence or low wall? Go for greenery! Hedges are an excellent natural option. Find out which of the following might suit your needs:

Low Hedges

Low hedges are typically planted with perennial species that grow about three feet tall. They’re ideal for defining spaces, creating contrast, and highlighting walkways. However, they aren’t designed to provide shade or block the wind. Common plants for low hedges include boxwood, lavender, and dwarf yaupon holly. These hedges are perfect for adding a touch of greenery without overwhelming a small space.

Monospecific Hedges

Monospecific hedges consist of a single plant species, creating a uniform wall of vegetation. Cedar hedges are particularly popular in northern climates because they grow quickly and provide optimum privacy. Other popular choices for monospecific hedges include privet, yew, and beech. These hedges create a consistent and cohesive look while offering privacy and wind protection.

Varied or Mixed Hedges

Varied or mixed hedges are perfect for encouraging biodiversity in your yard. These hedges comprise multiple species that attract different animals, such as birds, which make their homes there. Depending on the height and thickness of the hedge, it can also be used to block the wind and provide shade. Popular plant combinations include a mix of flowering shrubs, evergreens, and deciduous plants like viburnum, forsythia, and holly. Mixed hedges add visual interest and support a healthy ecosystem in your garden.

Defensive Hedges

Defensive or protective hedges are designed to deter intruders. You must choose dense plants that grow tall and have sharp or prickly features, such as thorns. Examples include hawthorn, barberry, and pyracantha (firethorn). These hedges provide a natural barrier that is difficult to penetrate, adding an extra layer of security to your property.

Consult an Expert

Ask a landscaping expert for advice on selecting the plants, shrubs, or trees that make up your hedge. They’ll consider your budget, preferences, and land and soil type to ensure you get the best results. Whether you need a low hedge to border a garden path or a tall, dense hedge for privacy, a professional can help you design the perfect green solution for your landscape.

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3 Landscaping Trends for 2024: Let Yourself Be Inspired!



Do you want to add some flair to your yard? Here are a few trends that’ll be everywhere in 2024.

1. Zen Spaces

In our fast-paced world, carving out moments for relaxation and rejuvenation is essential. That’s why many homeowners are creating Zen gardens on their properties. These tranquil spaces are characterized by stunning rock arrangements, flagstone paths, minimalist plants, and soothing sculptures. Water features like pools, waterfalls, and fountains add to the serenity, providing a calming ambiance that helps you escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

2. Pergolas

Pergolas are becoming a must-have for 2024, adding style and functionality to outdoor spaces. Often made of wood, vinyl, or aluminum, these structures elegantly define areas in your yard and provide a casual shaded spot perfect for relaxation. A pergola can transform your outdoor space into a summer haven, whether installed on a paved surface or a deck. Add some well-placed furniture and decorative elements to make it your favorite place to enjoy the warm weather.

3. Rock Gardens

Rock gardens are the way to go for those who prefer a low-maintenance landscape with a modern touch. These gardens feature a selection of well-chosen plants that require minimal care, paired with aesthetically arranged rocks. Rock gardens are perfect if lawn mowing and weeding aren’t your go-to pastimes. They offer a sleek, contemporary look while being practical and easy to maintain.

Enhance Your Yard This Year

Visit your local nurseries and garden centers to find everything you need to bring these 2024 landscaping trends to life. Whether you’re looking to create a peaceful Zen garden, install a stylish pergola, or design a modern rock garden, these trends will help you enhance the beauty and functionality of your yard.

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Which Lawnmower Should I Choose?



During the summer, mowing your lawn is a must. It can be a moment of relaxation for some, while others may see it as a chore. Whatever your perspective, having the right equipment is essential. If you’re looking to buy a lawnmower but can’t make sense of the numerous options available, these tips can help you make an informed decision.

Consider the Size and Type of Lawn

The size and type of your lawn are crucial factors in choosing the right lawnmower:

  • Small to Medium Lawns (Less than 15,000 square feet): An electric mower is generally efficient for these sizes. However, the power cable could make it challenging to maneuver in hard-to-reach areas. In this case, a battery-powered mower could be a better option.
  • Large Lawns: A gas-powered mower may be more suitable for larger areas due to its power and endurance.
  • Steeply Sloped Lawns: A self-propelled gas-powered model might be ideal as pushing uphill requires less physical effort.

Keep Maintenance Costs in Mind

Different types of mowers require different levels of care and maintenance:

  • Gas-Powered Mowers: These require regular refueling and oil changes. They are robust and powerful but also noisier and more polluting.
  • Electric Models: While electric models are quieter and less polluting, they can lose their charging capacity over time, requiring battery replacements, which can cost up to half of the original price of the mower.
  • Manual Reel Mowers: These are the most environmentally friendly but require significant physical effort and are best suited for small, flat lawns.

Weigh the Pros and Cons

Every type of mower has its advantages and disadvantages:

  • Electric and Battery-Powered Mowers: Lighter and quieter, these are less robust than gas-powered mowers. Electric models are eco-friendly but have limitations in mobility due to the cord.
  • Gas-Powered Mowers: Powerful and durable, but they are heavier, noisier, and require more maintenance.
  • Manual Reel Mowers: Eco-friendly and quiet, demanding more physical effort and less effective on large or uneven lawns.

Key Features to Consider

When choosing a lawnmower, consider what features are most important to you:

  • Durability: Gas-powered mowers are more durable and robust, suitable for larger and more challenging lawns.
  • Ease of Use: Electric and battery-powered mowers are lighter and easier to handle but might require more frequent battery maintenance.
  • Low Emissions: Electric and manual reel mowers are the best choices for environmentally conscious users.

Seek Professional Advice

Don’t hesitate to ask a salesperson for advice before making your purchase. They can provide insights based on your specific lawn care needs and preferences.

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New Pools: Long Live Wood!



Have you noticed wood pools popping up around your area? Wood is becoming increasingly popular for both above-ground pools and pool decks. Here are some advantages.

Remarkably Good Looking

Wood can take your pool area to the next level, breaking away from the classic look of aluminum. Its natural aesthetic can blend seamlessly into your property’s landscaping, complement your home’s siding, or create visual continuity with the trees and greenery around the pool. This timeless material brings warmth and elegance to outdoor spaces, enhancing the overall appeal of your backyard.

The Effectiveness of Treated Pine

Treated pine is harder and more resistant than cedar, making it the most popular choice among manufacturers. Here’s why treated pine stands out:

  • Durability: The wood slats are treated to remove moisture, preventing cracking and warping over time. This treatment process makes treated pine a reliable and long-lasting material.
  • Impact Resistance: Treated pine is highly resistant to impacts, which is particularly important for an in-ground pool deck where heavy foot traffic and outdoor furniture can cause wear and tear.
  • Maintenance: Treated pine requires less maintenance than untreated wood, ensuring your pool area remains beautiful with minimal effort.

Why Consider a Wood Pool?

  • Natural Beauty: The rich, natural look of wood adds an element of sophistication and tranquility to your pool area, creating a unique and inviting space.
  • Versatility: Wood can be used for various designs, whether you prefer a modern, rustic, or traditional look. It offers flexibility in terms of style and functionality.
  • Eco-Friendly: Wood is a renewable resource, and when sourced responsibly, it can be an environmentally friendly choice for your pool construction.


Consider opting for wood if you want a trendy pool that enhances your outdoor space’s aesthetic and functional value. Its natural beauty, durability, and versatility make it an excellent choice for above-ground pools and pool decks. Talk to a local pool contractor to explore your options and design the wooden pool area of your dreams.

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Treat Yourself to a Dream Porch This Year — and Enjoy the Summer!



Does your home have a spacious porch that’s lacking a little love? Here are some tips to help you create a beautiful, comfortable outdoor space in which you’ll love spending time.

Flooring: A stylish and durable floor provides the perfect base for your porch design. Explore a variety of options specifically designed for outdoor use. There are many materials to choose from, including engineered fiberglass, treated wood, composite wood, and aluminum slats. Each offers unique benefits in terms of aesthetics, durability, and maintenance.

Railing: Enhance the look of your porch with a brand-new railing. Depending on the degree of privacy you want, you can opt for solid or frosted panels, balusters, or spindles. Choose from various materials, including steel, aluminum, and wood. Whether you prefer contemporary, minimalist, or rustic styles, there’s a railing that will perfectly match your vision.

Carpet: Find a variety of low-maintenance rugs and carpets designed for outdoor use. Depending on your preference, you can cover your entire porch or just a portion of it. Choose patterns and colors that appeal most to you, adding a touch of comfort and style to your outdoor space.

Furniture: A bistro set is an excellent addition to your porch, consisting of a small table and two matching chairs. If you have enough space, consider adding furniture like a bench, storage box, chaise longue, pouf, rocking chair, porch swing, hanging chair, or hammock. Ensure that you choose furniture capable of withstanding the elements for long-lasting enjoyment.

Decorations: Decorative accessories are vital in creating a living space that reflects your personality. Visit your local home decor stores, antique shops, hardware stores, and artist studios to find sculptures, mobiles, string lights, decorative flags, cushions, throws, and more. Let your true colors shine by selecting pieces that express your style and add warmth to your porch.

Plants: In pots, flower boxes, or hanging planters, plants add life and freshness to your outdoor decor. Visit your local nurseries and garden centers to choose beautiful and easy-to-care-for species. You can find magnificent and convincingly real artificial plants and flowers if you don’t have a green thumb.

Accessorize: Various accessories can enhance your experience on your revamped porch. Colorful patio umbrellas, UV-resistant canvases, electric barbecues, and mini-fridges are just a few options to explore at your local stores. These additions can make your porch more functional and enjoyable, perfect for relaxing or entertaining.

With all these ideas, you’re sure to impress!

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Thank You to our Local Business Participants:


Aders Insurance Agency, Inc (State Farm)

Aire Serv Heating and Air Conditioning

Apple Dumpling Learning Center

Apple House

Auto Care Clinic

Avery-Hess Realty, Marilyn King

Beaver Tree Services

Blake and Co. Hair Spa

Blue Mountain Creative Consulting

Blue Ridge Arts Council

Blue Ridge Education

BNI Shenandoah Valley

C&C's Ice Cream Shop

Card My Yard

CBM Mortgage, Michelle Napier

Christine Binnix - McEnearney Associates

Code Jamboree LLC

Code Ninjas Front Royal

Cool Techs Heating and Air

Down Home Comfort Bakery

Downtown Market

Dusty's Country Store

Edward Jones-Bret Hrbek

Explore Art & Clay

Family Preservation Services

First Baptist Church

Front Royal Independent Business Alliance

Front Royal/Warren County C-CAP

First Baptist Church

Front Royal Treatment Center

Front Royal Women's Resource Center

Front Royal-Warren County Chamber of Commerce

Fussell Florist

G&M Auto Sales Inc

Garcia & Gavino Family Bakery

Gourmet Delights Gifts & Framing

Green to Ground Electrical

Groups Recover Together

Habitat for Humanity

Groups Recover Together

House of Hope

I Want Candy

I'm Just Me Movement

Jean’s Jewelers

Jen Avery, REALTOR & Jenspiration, LLC

Key Move Properties, LLC

KW Solutions

Legal Services Plans of Northern Shenendoah

Main Street Travel

Makeover Marketing Systems

Marlow Automotive Group

Mary Carnahan Graphic Design

Merchants on Main Street

Mountain Trails

Mountain View Music

National Media Services

Natural Results Chiropractic Clinic

No Doubt Accounting

Northwestern Community Services Board

Ole Timers Antiques

Penny Lane Hair Co.

Philip Vaught Real Estate Management

Phoenix Project

Reaching Out Now

Rotary Club of Warren County

Royal Blends Nutrition

Royal Cinemas

Royal Examiner

Royal Family Bowling Center

Royal Oak Bookshop

Royal Oak Computers

Royal Oak Bookshop

Royal Spice

Ruby Yoga

Salvation Army

Samuels Public Library

SaVida Health

Skyline Insurance

Shenandoah Shores Management Group

St. Luke Community Clinic

Strites Doughnuts

Studio Verde

The Arc of Warren County

The Institute for Association & Nonprofit Research

The Studio-A Place for Learning

The Valley Today - The River 95.3

The Vine and Leaf

Valley Chorale

Warren Charge (Bennett's Chapel, Limeton, Asbury)

Warren Coalition

Warren County Democratic Committee

Warren County Department of Social Services

Warren County DSS Job Development

Warrior Psychotherapy Services, PLLC

WCPS Work-Based Learning

What Matters & Beth Medved Waller, Inc Real Estate

White Picket Fence

Woodward House on Manor Grade

King Cartoons

Front Royal, VA
5:47 am8:41 pm EDT
Feels like: 70°F
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Pressure: 30.33"Hg
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95°F / 72°F

Upcoming Events

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Twilight Hikes @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jun 21 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
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Don’t miss your chance to camp in the beautiful Historic Mount Bleak backyard. See all that Sky Meadows offers through activities beginning at noon on Saturday and running until noon on Sunday. Park rangers will[...]
9:00 am Let’s Go Hiking! @ Sky Meadows State Park
Let’s Go Hiking! @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jun 22 @ 9:00 am – 11:00 am
Let's Go Hiking! @ Sky Meadows State Park
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11:00 am Baby Shower Benefit @ Living Water Christian Church
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Jun 22 @ 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
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5:00 pm Let’s Go Hiking! @ Sky Meadows State Park
Let’s Go Hiking! @ Sky Meadows State Park
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Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jun 26 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
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6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
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10:00 am A Bird’s World @ Sky Meadows State Park
A Bird’s World @ Sky Meadows State Park
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A Bird's World @ Sky Meadows State Park
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12:00 pm The Farmer’s Forge @ Sky Meadows State Park
The Farmer’s Forge @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
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12:00 pm The Settle’s Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
The Settle’s Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
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The Settle's Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
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