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Real Estate

Kitchen cabinets that aren’t white



For years, many kitchen renovations have focused on white cabinets. While popular, this choice can be uninspiring and often difficult to keep clean. Here are three ideas for your kitchen cabinets that will stand the test of time but have a bit more personality than white alone.

1. Blonde wood
Naturally pale wood combines the fresh, airy feel of white cabinets with the warm, homey feel of a cottage kitchen. Think light-colored Nordic influences rather than the dark, lacquered stains from decades past.

2. Gray
Gray cabinets are great for kitchens because they’re neutral but add the kind of visual interest that you can’t get with white. No matter your style, there’s a gray that will work for your kitchen. Go for an almost-white tone for an unexpected twist or try a charcoal hue for a more dramatic, elegant look.

3. Two-tone
There’s no rule that says all cabinets have to be same. Double down on the gray trend by painting the lowers charcoal and the uppers a pale gray to make your ceilings look higher. Or experiment with color by pairing a bold-hued island with natural wood cabinets.

Choosing one of these stylish options will add character to your kitchen in a way that white cabinets alone can’t.

Real Estate

Can Attractive Landscaping Increase the Value of Your Home?



Investing in well-designed landscaping can significantly increase the value of your home. However, like with any home improvement project, you must consider the positives and negatives.

Attention-Grabbing Appeal

Lovely landscaping can create an excellent first impression and attract potential buyers. A home with a well-maintained and visually attractive outdoor space can be a decisive factor for some buyers. Curb appeal matters; a beautiful yard can make your home stand out in the market.

Outdoor Living Spaces

Well-thought-out landscaping can be seen as an additional asset for many home buyers, providing functional and attractive areas for outdoor living. This can be a significant advantage, especially in areas where the climate allows for prolonged use. Features like patios, decks, and outdoor kitchens can enhance the usability of the space, making it more appealing to prospective buyers.

Initial Cost and Return on Investment

It’s crucial to consider the initial landscaping cost against the potential return rate. While extravagant landscaping projects may not be the best investment, modest improvements can be very profitable. Simple enhancements such as planting native plants, adding mulch, and maintaining a healthy lawn can provide a good return on investment without breaking the bank.

Ongoing Maintenance

It’s also essential to consider ongoing maintenance. If potential buyers perceive maintaining the landscaping as an extra responsibility, it could reduce the property’s value. Low-maintenance landscaping options can be more appealing to buyers who want a beautiful yard without the commitment of extensive upkeep.

Balancing Beauty and Simplicity

While the look of your yard is important, it’s not the only decisive factor for buyers. A simple but well-maintained yard can sometimes be more profitable than a large-scale development. Striking a balance between aesthetic appeal and ease of maintenance is key. Features like automated irrigation systems, drought-resistant plants, and well-placed trees can enhance the yard’s appearance and functionality without requiring extensive upkeep.

Consulting a Professional

For personalized advice, talk to a local real estate agent. They can provide insights into the most desirable landscaping features in your area and help you make informed decisions that align with local market trends.

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Real Estate

Real Estate Market Finds Rhythm as Buyers and Sellers Step Back onto the Dance Floor



The real estate market is experiencing a lively resurgence this spring, with buyers and sellers actively participating in what could be described as a well-choreographed dance. After a period of hesitation, marked by rising interest rates and competitive pricing, the market dynamics are shifting, promising opportunities for both parties.

A recent survey by Opendoor in December 2023 revealed an 18 percent increase in potential sellers, a sign of growing confidence influenced by more favorable interest rates, stable housing prices, and improved property availability. This influx of new listings is a welcome change from the previous years, where high interest rates caused many prospective buyers to pause their home-buying plans, leading to a scarcity of homes on the market and, subsequently, high prices.

However, as mortgage rates ease, the pent-up demand unleashes a new wave of buyers eager to find their perfect homes. This shift brings a fresh dynamic to the market, as sellers now face the challenge of making their properties stand out in a landscape where buyers have more options than in recent years.

Real estate experts advise sellers to exercise patience and flexibility to secure the best home price. The ability to wait for an ideal offer or engage in negotiations could be crucial in maximizing returns in this evolving market.

For those looking to purchase, the increase in available properties means more choices and less pressure to settle quickly. This bounty is particularly noticeable during the busiest season for real estate transactions, offering potential homebuyers various options to suit their needs and preferences.

As the real estate market hits its stride this spring, participants on both sides are encouraged to ‘put on their dancing shoes’ and engage fully. Whether buying or selling, the current market conditions provide a rhythm that supports a range of real estate aspirations, making it an ideal time to enter the dance floor. So, grab your partner—a buyer, seller, or real estate agent—and get ready to do-si-do into the opportunities that await in this lively market.

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Real Estate

Retirees Flock to Southern Appalachia, Sparking Real Estate Boom and Challenges



The allure of the southern Appalachian Mountains has become irresistible for many retirees, leading to a real estate boom and significant changes in the region. For decades, retirees from the northern United States have flocked to Florida. Still, many are opting to settle halfway down in the picturesque landscapes of North Georgia, Virginia, North Carolina, and other nearby states. These retirees, nicknamed “half-backs,” are reshaping Southern Appalachia’s demographics and real estate market.

Historically, the Appalachian region has been one of the least developed in the United States. However, this is rapidly changing with an influx of retirees, including those moving back north from Florida. Between April 2020 and July 2022, the population in southern Appalachian counties with retirement or recreational areas grew by nearly 4 percent, a rate well above the national average.

This surge is driven by the region’s appealing features: warm summers, mild winters, wide-open spaces, stunning scenery, and relatively affordable living costs. Towns like Abingdon, Virginia, have become particularly attractive, with Southern Living highlighting it as a prime retirement spot. As of March 2024, Zillow reported the average home value in Abingdon was around $263,000, a far cry from the $600,000 average in Naples, Florida. The absence of hurricanes, minimal threat from alligators, and moderate need for air conditioning further enhance the appeal.

Despite the upsides, the boom hasn’t been without challenges. Increased traffic clogs narrow, winding roads, and rising costs have strained some long-time residents. This tension has led some locals to wish the “half-backs” would head back north. However, with the U.S. population aged 65 or older projected to grow from just over 49 million in 2016 to over 85 million by 2050, the influx of retirees into Southern Appalachia is likely to continue.

The changing face of Southern Appalachia showcases the complexity of demographic shifts. While retirees bring economic growth and vibrancy, balancing this with the needs of long-standing residents presents a challenge that will shape the region for years to come.

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Real Estate

The Real Cost of Homeownership: Beyond the Mortgage



Owning a home is a significant milestone that symbolizes stability and independence. However, the journey to homeownership involves more than just securing a mortgage and making monthly payments. Several other costs are integral to the ownership experience, often surprising new homeowners. Here are five essential costs associated with homeownership that deserve attention and planning:

1. Property Taxes: The Hidden Variable

Property taxes are a critical but often underestimated aspect of homeownership costs. These taxes are determined by your property’s assessed value and your local tax rate, which can vary significantly from one location to another. It’s important to research and factor in these costs, as they can substantially impact your overall budget.

2. HOA Fees: Community Living Comes at a Cost

Living in a community with a Homeowners Association (HOA) brings certain perks, such as access to amenities and communal area maintenance. However, these benefits come with a monthly or annual HOA fee price tag. Depending on the services provided, these fees can be hefty and should be considered in your budgeting process.

3. Maintenance and Repairs: The Ongoing Investment

The responsibility for maintenance and repairs falls squarely on homeowners, a shift from the renter’s experience where the landlord typically handles such concerns. Regular maintenance tasks like lawn care, HVAC system servicing, and exterior upkeep are not just time-consuming but can also be expensive. Additionally, unforeseen repairs can arise at any time, necessitating an emergency fund to avoid financial strain.

4. Insurance: Protecting Your Home

Homeowners insurance is non-negotiable for protecting your property against unforeseen events. The cost of insurance varies based on your home’s location, size, and chosen coverage level. Additional policies for flood or earthquake coverage might be necessary in areas prone to natural disasters, adding to the overall cost.

5. Utility Bills: The Cost of Comfort

Utility expenses often increase when moving from renting to owning, as homeowners typically occupy larger spaces than renters. Essential services such as electricity, gas, water, and sewage must be accounted for in the monthly budget. These costs can fluctuate based on usage, seasonal changes, and local rates.

Planning for the Future

Understanding these costs is crucial for prospective homeowners. Budgeting for these expenses ensures that you cannot only buy a home but also afford to live in it comfortably. Consulting with real estate professionals and insurance agents can provide a clearer picture of what to expect, helping you prepare for the full spectrum of homeownership costs.

Homeownership is a rewarding journey but requires thorough preparation and informed decision-making. Acknowledging and planning for these additional costs can ensure a smoother and more enjoyable homeownership experience.

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Real Estate

Finding Your Perfect Neighborhood: A Comprehensive Guide



Deciding on the right neighborhood for your next home is as crucial as choosing the house. The community you move into impacts your daily life and your long-term satisfaction with your home. Here are key factors to guide you through decision-making, ensuring you find a neighborhood that fits your needs and lifestyle.

1. Budget Considerations

Start by defining your budget, which will narrow your search to neighborhoods that align with your financial capabilities. Remember, the cost of living varies widely between different areas, so consider both property values and the general living expenses of the neighborhood.

2. Commute and Accessibility

Your daily commute plays a significant role in your quality of life. Look for neighborhoods that offer ease of access to your workplace, schools, and other important destinations. A shorter, more convenient commute can save time and reduce stress.

3. Safety and Security

Safety is paramount. Investigate crime statistics and speak with local law enforcement or community members to get a sense of the neighborhood’s safety. A safe environment is essential for peace of mind and the well-being of your family.

4. Amenities and Lifestyle

Match the neighborhood amenities with your lifestyle needs. Whether it’s parks, restaurants, shopping centers, or cultural attractions, choosing an area that caters to your interests and hobbies can greatly enhance your living experience.

5. Educational Opportunities

For families with children or plans for them, the quality of local schools is a top priority. Research school districts and educational opportunities in the area, as access to quality education is a key factor in your decision.

6. Growth and Development

Investigating the neighborhood’s potential for growth and development can give insights into future property values and community improvements. An area with a positive outlook can be a good investment for your family’s future.

7. Community and Neighbors

A strong sense of community can make a big difference in your happiness. Try to gauge the neighborliness and social activities within the area. A welcoming and active community can greatly enhance your home life.

8. Matching Your Lifestyle

Consider whether the neighborhood reflects your desired lifestyle. From bustling city life to peaceful suburban or rural settings, choosing an environment that aligns with your preferences is key to feeling at home.

9. Trust Your Instincts

Finally, trust your instincts. Visit prospective neighborhoods, talk to locals, and try to envision your life there. Your personal comfort and feelings about the area should significantly influence your decision.

Seeking the advice of real estate professionals who understand local market trends can provide valuable insights into different neighborhoods. Taking the time to research and consider these factors will help you choose not just a house but a home where you and your family can thrive.

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Real Estate

One-Year Credit Improvement Plan for Aspiring Homebuyers



With spring in the air, the real estate market is buzzing, making it the perfect time for first-time homebuyers to start planning. Before you get lost in dreams of your ideal home, there’s a crucial step you need to take: ensuring your credit is in good shape. A solid credit score opens the door to home loan opportunities and can secure you more favorable loan terms. Here’s a year-long plan to boost your credit, tailored for everyone, especially those eyeing their first home:

  1. Know Your Score: Start by checking your credit report at, where you can access a free annual report from each of the three major credit bureaus. Scrutinize it for any inaccuracies and take steps to correct them. Websites like Credit Karma can also provide you with a credit score from one or two of these agencies.
  2. On-Time Payments: The golden rule for improving credit is never to miss a payment. Consider setting up automatic payments to avoid late fees and negative marks on your credit report.
  3. Manage Your Balances: Aim to keep your credit card balances under 50% of your credit limits. Reducing them to below 30% can further boost your score. Work diligently to pay down your debts.
  4. Consider a Secured Credit Card: A secured credit card is a great way to start if you’re new to credit. You’ll make a deposit that serves as your credit limit. Use it sparingly and pay off the balance regularly to build a positive credit history.
  5. Resist Store Accounts: While saving 10% at checkout might seem tempting, frequently opening store accounts can hurt your credit score. Be selective about where and how you apply for credit.
  6. Keep Old Accounts Open: Contrary to some might think, closing unused credit accounts can lower your credit score. Keep them open, but use them wisely.
  7. Avoid New Large Debts: During your year of credit building, avoid large purchases like financing a car. Lenders prefer buyers who aren’t overextended on credit.
  8. Open Three New Accounts: Over the course of the year, aim to open up to three new credit accounts, spacing them out every three months. Use these accounts responsibly, paying off the entire balance each month. This demonstrates sound credit management and can significantly improve your score.

By following this plan, you’ll elevate your credit score and learn invaluable lessons in credit management—putting you in a stronger position to make your homeownership dreams a reality.

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Thank You to our Local Business Participants:


Aders Insurance Agency, Inc (State Farm)

Aire Serv Heating and Air Conditioning

Apple Dumpling Learning Center

Apple House

Auto Care Clinic

Avery-Hess Realty, Marilyn King

Beaver Tree Services

Blake and Co. Hair Spa

Blue Mountain Creative Consulting

Blue Ridge Arts Council

Blue Ridge Education

BNI Shenandoah Valley

C&C's Ice Cream Shop

Card My Yard

CBM Mortgage, Michelle Napier

Christine Binnix - McEnearney Associates

Code Jamboree LLC

Code Ninjas Front Royal

Cool Techs Heating and Air

Down Home Comfort Bakery

Downtown Market

Dusty's Country Store

Edward Jones-Bret Hrbek

Explore Art & Clay

Family Preservation Services

First Baptist Church

Front Royal Independent Business Alliance

Front Royal/Warren County C-CAP

First Baptist Church

Front Royal Treatment Center

Front Royal Women's Resource Center

Front Royal-Warren County Chamber of Commerce

Fussell Florist

G&M Auto Sales Inc

Garcia & Gavino Family Bakery

Gourmet Delights Gifts & Framing

Green to Ground Electrical

Groups Recover Together

Habitat for Humanity

Groups Recover Together

House of Hope

I Want Candy

I'm Just Me Movement

Jean’s Jewelers

Jen Avery, REALTOR & Jenspiration, LLC

Key Move Properties, LLC

KW Solutions

Legal Services Plans of Northern Shenendoah

Main Street Travel

Makeover Marketing Systems

Marlow Automotive Group

Mary Carnahan Graphic Design

Merchants on Main Street

Mountain Trails

Mountain View Music

National Media Services

Natural Results Chiropractic Clinic

No Doubt Accounting

Northwestern Community Services Board

Ole Timers Antiques

Penny Lane Hair Co.

Philip Vaught Real Estate Management

Phoenix Project

Reaching Out Now

Rotary Club of Warren County

Royal Blends Nutrition

Royal Cinemas

Royal Examiner

Royal Family Bowling Center

Royal Oak Bookshop

Royal Oak Computers

Royal Oak Bookshop

Royal Spice

Ruby Yoga

Salvation Army

Samuels Public Library

SaVida Health

Skyline Insurance

Shenandoah Shores Management Group

St. Luke Community Clinic

Strites Doughnuts

Studio Verde

The Arc of Warren County

The Institute for Association & Nonprofit Research

The Studio-A Place for Learning

The Valley Today - The River 95.3

The Vine and Leaf

Valley Chorale

Warren Charge (Bennett's Chapel, Limeton, Asbury)

Warren Coalition

Warren County Democratic Committee

Warren County Department of Social Services

Warren County DSS Job Development

Warrior Psychotherapy Services, PLLC

WCPS Work-Based Learning

What Matters & Beth Medved Waller, Inc Real Estate

White Picket Fence

Woodward House on Manor Grade

King Cartoons

Front Royal, VA
5:51 am8:42 pm EDT
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Upcoming Events

6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 3 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
10:00 am A Bird’s World @ Sky Meadows State Park
A Bird’s World @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
A Bird's World @ Sky Meadows State Park
Picnic Area. Learn about birds of the woods and fields and how they utilize their habitat for survival and nesting. Join a Virginia Master Naturalist to discover our role and our impact on bird conservation.[...]
12:00 pm The Farmer’s Forge @ Sky Meadows State Park
The Farmer’s Forge @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The Farmer’s Forge @ Sky Meadows State Park
Historic Area. The forge is fired up and the blacksmiths are hard at work showing off their skills. Members of the Blacksmiths’ Guild of the Potomac have set up shop in the forge, located behind[...]
12:00 pm The Settle’s Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
The Settle’s Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The Settle's Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
Log Cabin in the Historic Area. Follow your nose to the Log Cabin to see what is cooking on the hearth. Explore history through food and how it connects us to past generations. Explore farming[...]
8:00 pm Astronomy for Everyone @ Sky Meadows State Park
Astronomy for Everyone @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Astronomy for Everyone @ Sky Meadows State Park
Historic Area. Discover our International Dark-Sky Park! Our evenings begin with a half-hour children’s “Junior Astronomer” program, followed by a discussion about the importance of dark skies and light conservation. Then join NASA’s Jet Propulsion[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 10 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 17 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
7:00 pm Twilight Hikes @ Sky Meadows State Park
Twilight Hikes @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 19 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Twilight Hikes @ Sky Meadows State Park
Lost Mountain Entrance. Explore an enchanting evening amidst the rolling Blue Ridge Mountains as the sun sets and the world transitions from day to night! Embark on an easy guided hike that winds through lush[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 24 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 31 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
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