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Microplastics in Bloodstream Linked to Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Events



Plastic, ubiquitous in everyday items from kitchenware to cosmetics, has been detected in an alarming new location: human blood vessels. Recent research highlights a concerning correlation between the presence of micro and nano plastics in the carotid artery plaques of patients and a significantly increased risk of major cardiovascular events, including strokes and heart attacks.

In a groundbreaking study, researchers discovered that patients with plastic-adulterated atheroma plaques—fatty deposits within arteries composed of proteins, cholesterol, and other substances—were four times more likely to suffer severe cardiovascular outcomes or death. This study was the first to identify plastic particles within such plaques, with nearly 60% of the 304 examined patients showing contamination.

While the exact role of microplastics in causing these health issues remains unconfirmed, the findings suggest a strong association that cannot be ignored. Scientists have considered various potential entry routes for plastics into the human bloodstream, including through ingestion or inhalation of contaminated food, water, and air, as well as through products like toothpaste and lip gloss that contain these tiny particles.

This emerging evidence points to the urgent need for further research to establish a definitive link and understand the mechanisms by which microplastics may contribute to cardiovascular diseases. The implications of such findings are profound, suggesting that the pervasive problem of plastic pollution could be contributing to health risks far more directly and personally than previously understood.


Do You Want Beautiful, Full Lips? Follow This Guide!



Are your lips thin? Do they lack volume or have wrinkles? With the help of aesthetic medicine, you can have fuller lips that enhance the natural beauty of your face.

The Secret to Fuller Lips: Hyaluronic Acid-Based Fillers

The key to achieving fuller lips lies in hyaluronic acid-based fillers. This substance adds volume to the lips and stimulates collagen production, giving your lips a natural and plump appearance. The effects of these fillers typically last from six months to a year, making them a popular choice for those seeking a temporary yet noticeable enhancement.

What to Expect

The price of a single session and the results can vary depending on several factors, such as the type and quantity of filler used. Typically, lip injections cost between $500 and $1,000. Going to a professional is crucial to ensure the best results and avoid unpleasant surprises. Be cautious of prices that seem too good to be true, as quality and safety should be your top priorities.

Comfort and Recovery

The discomfort or pain you feel during the session depends on several factors, including your sensitivity and the use of an anesthetic. Many clinics offer numbing creams or local anesthesia to minimize pain during the procedure. After the injections, you can immediately resume your usual activities. However, you should avoid activities stimulating blood circulation in the face, such as strenuous exercise, for a few days to ensure the best results and reduce swelling.

Making an Appointment

To get the lips of your dreams, make an appointment at a reputable medical aesthetic clinic in your area. A consultation with a qualified professional will help you understand the process, costs, and expected outcomes, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Other Solutions

If you’re afraid of needles or on a tight budget, there are alternative solutions. Ask a cosmetician about lip products with a plumping effect, such as serums, glosses, and masks. These products can provide a temporary boost to your lips’ appearance without the need for injections. While the effects are less dramatic and shorter-lasting compared to fillers, you’re sure to find a product that will make your pout irresistible.

Final Thoughts

Fuller lips are within reach whether you opt for hyaluronic acid-based fillers or enhance your lips with plumping products. Consulting with a professional will ensure you get the best advice and results tailored to your needs. Embrace the opportunity to enhance your natural beauty and enjoy the confidence of having beautiful, full lips.

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Occupational Therapy: Improving Quality of Life Through Tasks



Occupational therapy focuses on developing methods to help people complete everyday activities, such as driving, working, and studying. Occupational therapists work with individuals facing physical, emotional, or cognitive challenges that may limit their independence, helping them overcome these obstacles and improving their quality of life.

Collaborative Approach

Occupational therapy is based on the idea that active engagement in purposeful movements promotes overall health. The goal is to help people develop, restore, or maintain their ability to perform specific tasks. This therapy seeks to optimize independence and encourage social participation among individuals dealing with an injury, a medical condition, or symptoms of aging.

Occupational therapists collaborate with their clients to create strategies that facilitate participation in daily activities. Focusing on meaningful tasks helps individuals build skills, adapt to changes, and achieve greater autonomy. This collaborative approach ensures that therapy is personalized and effective.

Adapted Treatment

People of all ages can benefit from occupational therapy. For example, young people may need to improve their motor and sensory skills to succeed in school or play activities. Alternatively, older people may benefit from services to overcome barriers related to chronic diseases, stroke, mental disorders, and other conditions.

Each occupational therapy intervention is tailored to the needs of the individual. The process begins with thoroughly assessing the person’s abilities, environment, and goals. Based on this assessment, the occupational therapist develops a personalized treatment plan. This plan may include exercises to improve physical abilities, strategies to enhance cognitive function, and environmental modifications to support independence.

Examples of Occupational Therapy Interventions

  • Children: Helping kids with developmental delays improve their fine motor skills to write, button clothes, or use scissors effectively.
  • Adults: Assisting individuals recovering from a stroke to regain skills needed for daily tasks like cooking, dressing, or returning to work.
  • Seniors: Providing strategies for older adults to manage arthritis pain, improve mobility, or adapt their home environment to prevent falls and promote safety.

Why You Should Consider Occupational Therapy

Occupational therapy can make a significant difference in the lives of those facing various challenges. Occupational therapy offers practical solutions and support, whether it’s a child struggling with school tasks, an adult recovering from an injury, or a senior wanting to maintain independence. This therapy enhances physical abilities and boosts confidence and emotional well-being by enabling individuals to engage in activities that matter to them.

Finding an Occupational Therapist

If you or a loved one could benefit from occupational therapy, don’t hesitate to contact a professional. To find an occupational therapist near you, visit the OT Potential website at

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Why You Should Avoid Eating (Too) Quickly



Do you tend to devour your entire plate in a few mouthfuls? Do you know someone who gobbles down their meals at lightning speed? If so, you should know that this habit can be harmful in several ways. Here’s how.

Savor the Flavor

Firstly, when you eat fast, your taste buds have less time to appreciate the taste of the food. This is unfortunate because eating should be enjoyable. When you rush through your meal, you miss out on the rich flavors and textures that make eating a pleasurable experience.

Portion Control and Satiety

Fast eaters also tend to eat larger portions. This happens because the brain needs time to register that you’re full. Eating slowly gives your brain enough time to send satiety signals, helping you avoid overeating. Conversely, eating quickly can lead to consuming more food than your body needs, increasing the risk of being overweight and developing related health issues, such as type 2 diabetes.

Digestive Discomfort

Eating too fast can cause several digestive problems. One common issue is gastric reflux, which can create a bitter taste in the mouth, regurgitation, and a burning sensation in the chest. This condition, known as acid reflux or heartburn, is uncomfortable and damaging to your esophagus over time.

Additionally, many people who eat quickly take large mouthfuls and don’t chew their food well. This can lead to choking hazards and digestive issues, such as bloating, gas, and cramps. Properly chewing food is essential for breaking it down into smaller pieces, making it easier for your stomach to digest.

Energy and Mood

Fast eaters tend to feel more tired after meals. This post-meal fatigue can affect your mood and productivity. When you eat slowly, your body has a better chance to properly digest the food and convert it into energy, helping you feel more alert and satisfied.

Take Your Time!

To avoid these problems, learn to eat more slowly. Here are some tips to help you slow down:

  • Set a Goal: Aim to take at least 20 minutes to eat your meals. This allows enough time for your brain to register fullness.
  • Put Down Your Utensils: Put down your fork or spoon after each bite. This simple action forces you to take breaks between mouthfuls.
  • Chew Thoroughly: Make a conscious effort to chew each bite thoroughly before swallowing.
  • Enjoy the Experience: Focus on your food’s flavors, textures, and aromas. Eating mindfully can make meals more enjoyable and satisfying.

If you’re struggling to change your eating habits, consider consulting a dietitian-nutritionist for personalized advice. They can provide tailored strategies to help you slow down and enjoy your meals more fully.

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The Therapeutic Benefits of Massage Therapy



Massage therapy is a rapidly growing discipline focused on improving a person’s well-being and relaxation. It has become very popular in the United States, offering physical and mental benefits. From reducing pain to easing anxiety, massage therapy provides a range of advantages that contribute to a healthier and more balanced life.

More Than Just Deep Relaxation!

Massage therapy suits people of all ages and offers numerous benefits beyond deep relaxation. Here are some of the key advantages:

  1. Tension Relief: Massage therapy helps to relieve muscle tension and stiffness, which can accumulate from daily activities or stress.
  2. Stress Reduction: Regular massage sessions can significantly reduce stress levels, promoting a sense of calm and well-being.
  3. Improved Blood Circulation: Massages enhance blood flow, which helps deliver oxygen and nutrients to muscles and tissues more efficiently.
  4. Pain Management: Many people find relief from chronic pain conditions, such as back pain, through targeted massage techniques.
  5. Enhanced Recovery: Athletes and physically active individuals use massage therapy to aid muscle recovery and prevent injuries after strenuous activities.
  6. Better Sleep: Massage therapy promotes relaxation, improving sleep quality and overall restfulness.

Customized Treatments for Individual Needs

Massage therapists customize their treatment plans to meet each client’s specific needs. They use a variety of techniques to address different issues, including:

  • Swedish Massage: A gentle technique aimed at relaxation and improving blood circulation.
  • Deep Tissue Massage: Focuses on deeper muscle layers to relieve chronic tension and pain.
  • Sports Massage: Tailored for athletes to enhance performance and recovery.
  • Prenatal Massage: Specially designed for pregnant women to alleviate pregnancy-related discomforts.
  • Energy Work: Techniques like Reiki balance the body’s energy fields.

Professional massage therapists are trained to provide safe and effective massages that cater to a wide range of needs. They use their expertise to help clients relax, manage pain, and improve their physical and mental health.

Why You Should See a Massage Therapist

If you want to relax, reduce pain, or improve your overall well-being, scheduling an appointment with a massage therapist could be highly beneficial. These professionals are skilled in various techniques that can help you achieve a state of relaxation and health. Whether you need to relieve stress, manage chronic pain, or recover from physical activity, massage therapy offers a natural and effective solution.

Contact a Massage Therapist Today

Don’t hesitate to contact a massage therapist and schedule an appointment for yourself or a loved one. Experiencing the therapeutic benefits of massage therapy can lead to a healthier, more balanced lifestyle. To learn more about the massage therapy profession, visit the American Massage Therapy Association website at

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Keep Your Screens at Eye Level! Find Out More About Text Neck Syndrome



Spending several hours every day leaning your head over a screen, such as a tablet or smartphone, is bad for your health. This common habit places a significant amount of strain on the neck. Lowering your head and stretching it forward to look at your device creates tension and pressure on your spine, which can lead to text neck syndrome.

Symptoms of Text Neck Syndrome

Over time, a host of problems can arise from poor posture while using electronic devices, including:

  • Osteoarthritis: Wear and tear on the neck joints can accelerate due to constant strain.
  • Torticollis: This condition, also known as a twisted neck, results in painful muscle spasms.
  • Headaches: Tension headaches can become frequent due to neck strain.
  • Numbness: Nerve compression can cause numbness in the arms and hands.
  • Herniated Discs: The added pressure can lead to disc herniation, causing severe pain and mobility issues.
  • Pain in the Wrists, Neck, and Shoulders: Persistent discomfort in these areas is common.
  • Difficulty Breathing: Poor posture can affect respiratory function over time.

Preventing Text Neck Syndrome

You can avoid text neck syndrome by maintaining good posture when using your devices. Here are some tips:

  • Position the Screen at Eye Level: Make sure your screen is at eye level so you don’t have to tilt your head. Use a stand or support if necessary.
  • Take Regular Breaks: Avoid staying in one position for too long. Take frequent breaks to stretch and move around.
  • Exercise: Regularly strengthen your neck and back muscles to support your spine.
  • Ergonomic Adjustments: Ensure your workspace is set up ergonomically to support good posture.

Understanding the Impact

When you tilt your head forward, your spine’s weight increases significantly. For example, when your head is upright, the weight on your neck is around 10 pounds. However, when you tilt your head forward at an angle of 45 degrees or more, the weight increases to over 50 pounds. This excessive strain can lead to text neck syndrome and other related issues.

Seeking Professional Help

If you’re already experiencing symptoms of text neck syndrome, it’s important to seek professional help. Chiropractors, osteopaths, and physiotherapists can provide treatments to alleviate pain and improve your posture. These professionals can offer personalized advice and exercises to help you recover and prevent further damage.

Stay Mindful and Protect Your Health

In our digital age, it’s easy to fall into the habit of looking down at screens for extended periods. However, being mindful of your posture and taking proactive steps can significantly affect your overall health. By keeping your screens at eye level and incorporating healthy habits into your routine, you can avoid the painful consequences of text neck syndrome.

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Get a Chiro for Neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) Disorders!



Chiropractic care is a specialized profession that focuses on treating neuromusculoskeletal (NMS) disorders, particularly those related to the spine. The practice is based on the idea that maintaining the musculoskeletal and nervous system balance is crucial for overall health and well-being.

The Critical Role of the Chiropractor

Chiropractors play a crucial role in helping people restore and maintain their health. They do this by assessing a person’s posture, joint mobility, and nervous system to identify potential dysfunctions. Chiropractic adjustments aim to restore normal spinal alignment, which helps relieve pressure on the nerves so the body can function optimally. These adjustments can alleviate pain, improve mobility, and enhance the body’s natural healing processes.

Who Can Benefit

Chiropractic treatment can benefit people of all ages and with different conditions. Here are some examples:

  • Active Adults: Those who suffer from back pain, neck pain, or joint issues due to their active lifestyles.
  • Young Children: Kids who need help with conditions like scoliosis or growing pains.
  • Pregnant Women: Expectant mothers experiencing back pain or pelvic discomfort.
  • Seniors: Older adults with arthritis, mobility issues, or chronic pain.

Chiropractors provide personalized care tailored to each individual’s needs, ensuring everyone receives the appropriate treatment for their situation.

A Proactive Approach

Chiropractors take a holistic approach to healthcare, recognizing that the body’s structure, nervous system, and overall health are interconnected. Rather than simply treating symptoms, chiropractors seek to address the root cause of health issues, promoting long-term well-being. This proactive approach helps prevent future problems and supports overall health by ensuring the body is balanced.

Chiropractic care can also complement other medical treatments, providing a comprehensive approach to health. By focusing on the alignment and function of the spine and joints, chiropractors help enhance the body’s ability to heal itself and function efficiently.

Why You Should See a Chiropractor

Consulting a chiropractor could make a significant difference in your life if you’re experiencing persistent pain, limited mobility, or other neuromusculoskeletal issues. Chiropractic care offers a non-invasive, drug-free way to improve your health and well-being. Whether you’re dealing with chronic pain, recovering from an injury, or looking to enhance your overall health, chiropractic treatment can provide the support you need.

Don’t hesitate to contact a chiropractor in your area — it could change your life! For more information, visit the American Chiropractic Association website at

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Thank You to our Local Business Participants:


Aders Insurance Agency, Inc (State Farm)

Aire Serv Heating and Air Conditioning

Apple Dumpling Learning Center

Apple House

Auto Care Clinic

Avery-Hess Realty, Marilyn King

Beaver Tree Services

Blake and Co. Hair Spa

Blue Mountain Creative Consulting

Blue Ridge Arts Council

Blue Ridge Education

BNI Shenandoah Valley

C&C's Ice Cream Shop

Card My Yard

CBM Mortgage, Michelle Napier

Christine Binnix - McEnearney Associates

Code Jamboree LLC

Code Ninjas Front Royal

Cool Techs Heating and Air

Down Home Comfort Bakery

Downtown Market

Dusty's Country Store

Edward Jones-Bret Hrbek

Explore Art & Clay

Family Preservation Services

First Baptist Church

Front Royal Independent Business Alliance

Front Royal/Warren County C-CAP

First Baptist Church

Front Royal Treatment Center

Front Royal Women's Resource Center

Front Royal-Warren County Chamber of Commerce

Fussell Florist

G&M Auto Sales Inc

Garcia & Gavino Family Bakery

Gourmet Delights Gifts & Framing

Green to Ground Electrical

Groups Recover Together

Habitat for Humanity

Groups Recover Together

House of Hope

I Want Candy

I'm Just Me Movement

Jean’s Jewelers

Jen Avery, REALTOR & Jenspiration, LLC

Key Move Properties, LLC

KW Solutions

Legal Services Plans of Northern Shenendoah

Main Street Travel

Makeover Marketing Systems

Marlow Automotive Group

Mary Carnahan Graphic Design

Merchants on Main Street

Mountain Trails

Mountain View Music

National Media Services

Natural Results Chiropractic Clinic

No Doubt Accounting

Northwestern Community Services Board

Ole Timers Antiques

Penny Lane Hair Co.

Philip Vaught Real Estate Management

Phoenix Project

Reaching Out Now

Rotary Club of Warren County

Royal Blends Nutrition

Royal Cinemas

Royal Examiner

Royal Family Bowling Center

Royal Oak Bookshop

Royal Oak Computers

Royal Oak Bookshop

Royal Spice

Ruby Yoga

Salvation Army

Samuels Public Library

SaVida Health

Skyline Insurance

Shenandoah Shores Management Group

St. Luke Community Clinic

Strites Doughnuts

Studio Verde

The Arc of Warren County

The Institute for Association & Nonprofit Research

The Studio-A Place for Learning

The Valley Today - The River 95.3

The Vine and Leaf

Valley Chorale

Warren Charge (Bennett's Chapel, Limeton, Asbury)

Warren Coalition

Warren County Democratic Committee

Warren County Department of Social Services

Warren County DSS Job Development

Warrior Psychotherapy Services, PLLC

WCPS Work-Based Learning

What Matters & Beth Medved Waller, Inc Real Estate

White Picket Fence

Woodward House on Manor Grade

King Cartoons

Front Royal, VA
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5:48 am8:42 pm EDT
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Upcoming Events

6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jun 26 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 3 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
10:00 am A Bird’s World @ Sky Meadows State Park
A Bird’s World @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
A Bird's World @ Sky Meadows State Park
Picnic Area. Learn about birds of the woods and fields and how they utilize their habitat for survival and nesting. Join a Virginia Master Naturalist to discover our role and our impact on bird conservation.[...]
12:00 pm The Farmer’s Forge @ Sky Meadows State Park
The Farmer’s Forge @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The Farmer’s Forge @ Sky Meadows State Park
Historic Area. The forge is fired up and the blacksmiths are hard at work showing off their skills. Members of the Blacksmiths’ Guild of the Potomac have set up shop in the forge, located behind[...]
12:00 pm The Settle’s Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
The Settle’s Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
The Settle's Kettle @ Sky Meadows State Park
Log Cabin in the Historic Area. Follow your nose to the Log Cabin to see what is cooking on the hearth. Explore history through food and how it connects us to past generations. Explore farming[...]
8:00 pm Astronomy for Everyone @ Sky Meadows State Park
Astronomy for Everyone @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 6 @ 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Astronomy for Everyone @ Sky Meadows State Park
Historic Area. Discover our International Dark-Sky Park! Our evenings begin with a half-hour children’s “Junior Astronomer” program, followed by a discussion about the importance of dark skies and light conservation. Then join NASA’s Jet Propulsion[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 10 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 17 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
7:00 pm Twilight Hikes @ Sky Meadows State Park
Twilight Hikes @ Sky Meadows State Park
Jul 19 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm
Twilight Hikes @ Sky Meadows State Park
Lost Mountain Entrance. Explore an enchanting evening amidst the rolling Blue Ridge Mountains as the sun sets and the world transitions from day to night! Embark on an easy guided hike that winds through lush[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Jul 24 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
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