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For the Record



I want to publicly congratulate and thank Melanie Salins for stepping up to the plate. She has displayed unrelenting fervor for this community. If you have ever been as lucky as I to have a one on one conversation with her, you know how much she desires to support others who have experienced injustice.

As someone who is compelled by the current state of affairs (not specifically Warren County, but overall the reports from Public Schools throughout the last decade-only worsening) to homeschool my children, I respect Melanie for the years she has sacrificed educating her children. Every time I see them I am amazed by their vocabulary and manners. I am encouraged by her election to the school board. Perhaps she can help drive the positive change needed to reassure parents that they can trust again and enroll students.

The negative things said of Melanie have been untrue. Even when accused of being involved with illegal activity, Melanie upheld the board’s code of conduct by remaining silent. Melanie’s appointment was not illegal and was advertised as required by law. She was competitively interviewed along with other applicants prior to the board vote.

As with any position and experience, there are lessons to be learned. Melanie has shown me at every turn how willing she is to learn.
She will continue to do a good job for our community.

Thank you, Melanie, for putting up a tough fight. I pray God leads you and gives you the strength to continue each and every day! May His light guide you as your term has just begun!

To those who saw past the rubbish and voted her in: thank you, from outside of your district! To those who are less than happy for her election: keep your chin up and give her a chance!

Jeanne Anderson
Warren County, Virginia


VIEWPOINT: Jesus and Mohammed Compared



In a recent column in the “Opinion” section of the Royal Examiner, Dr. James Finck, a professor of history at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma (USAO), took the time and effort to put forth some good information on the early days of Islam… a religion and ideology driving most of the events that are in the news today (Islam is not just a religion but is an all-encompassing ideology that constitutes religious, political and military components).

While trying to reconcile or spread some light on this ideology, Dr. Finck referred to some of the observations of Middle Eastern correspondent Lesley Hazleton from her “The First Muslim: The Story of Muhammad.”

Ms. Hazleton and Dr. Finck’s observations and assessments speak for themselves in attempting to explain some of the disturbing contradictions in the Quran, the Hadith, and the Sirah (the traditional Muslim biographies of the Islamic prophet Muhammad). We derive most of our information from these three sources about his life and the early period of Islam.

As we look at some of the differences in the development of Christianity and Islam over the centuries (up to this very day), it is enlightening to compare some of the fundamental differences in the founders (Jesus and Mohammed). Bill Federer has a wealth of knowledge to contribute to this important subject, and a good source for more detailed information can be found in his book What Every American Needs to Know about the Qur’an: A History of Islam & the United States.

One other point needs to be emphasized since it seems to be a tenant of Islam that is not shared by most religions, and that is “Taqyya” – sacred lying or holy deceit. This belief says what you say now can supersede and abrogate (officially called “abrogation” in Islam) something you said previously… something akin to “yes, I said that before, but now I’m saying something different (and perhaps just the opposite) so forget about what I said previously. In my mind, this explains many of the warlike statements in this “peaceful” ideology.

Let’s take a look at some of the obvious differences in Jesus and Mohammed:

JESUS is God and was a Religious Leader.
MOHAMMED was a Religious, Political, and Military Leader.

JESUS never killed anyone.
MOHAMMED killed an estimated 3,000 people, including beheading 700 Jews in Medina.

JESUS never owned slaves.
MOHAMMED received a fifth of the slaves taken in battle, including African slaves, as he was Arab.

JESUS never married.
MOHAMMED had at least 11 wives, plus concubines and women taken in battle. Aisha
was married at age 6 and consummated at age 9.

JESUS never forced followers to believe.
MOHAMMED forced followers to continue believing: “Whoever changes his Islamic religion, kill him.” Bukhari v.9, b.84, n.S7

JESUS never allowed his disciples to lie.
MOHAMMED obligated followers to lie to advance Islam. It is called “Taqyya” – sacred lying, holy deceit, and “Hudna” – when weak, make treaties until you get strong enough to disregard and then violate them.

JESUS never avenged insults, saying, “Father, forgive them.”
MOHAMMED avenged insults, ordering Ibn Khatal and his slave girls killed for writing poems that insulted him.

JESUS never allowed disciples to rape anyone.
MOHAMMED permitted followers to rape infidel women taken in battle.

JESUS never tortured anyone.
MOHAMMED had the chief of Khaybar stretched out on the ground and kindled a fire upon his chest because he would not tell where the tribe’s treasure was hidden.

JESUS never led armies, nor did his apostles. Christianity spread throughout the Roman Empire for three centuries by loving their enemies and surrendering their lives for their faith.
MOHAMMED fought in 66 battles and raids, leading 27 of them, and all of Islam’s “Rightly Guided” Caliphs and Sultans commanded armies, conquering from India to France.

JESUS did not retaliate when violence was committed against him but was crucified.
MOHAMMED retaliated when violence was committed against him and ordered enemies to be killed.

JEWISH/CHRISTIAN concept of a martyr would die for their faith while forgiving their enemies.
ISLAMIC concept of martyrdom would die for their faith while killing infidel enemies of Islam.

JESUS – In the first 300 years of Christianity, there were 10 major Roman persecutions, resulting in thousands of Christians killed in the Coliseum. and many fed to the lions. During this time, never once did Christians lead an armed resistance.
MOHAMMED – During the first 300 years of Islam, Muslim armies conquered Arabia, Persia, the Holy Land, North Africa, Spain, Southern France, and Central Africa. They invaded vast areas of Northern India, Asia, and Asia Minor.

JESUS taught equality, that all men and women were made in God’s image. Matt 22:20, ref. Gen. 1:26-27,9:6
MOHAMMED did not teach equality, that Allah has no image, and that unbelievers are not equal to believing Muslims, and women are not equal to men. Sura 42:11, Sura 112:4

JESUS taught consistently in all four Gospels to love, and he never advocated violence.
MOHAMMED taught in the early verses he received while living in Mecca that there was “no compulsion in religion.” Still, these verses were abrogated and abolished by later verses received in Medina, which advocated violence toward apostates, unbelievers, and those who offended the prophet.

JESUS taught, “Love your enemies, bless them that curse you, do good to them that hate you, pray for them which despitefully use you.” Matt. 5:44
MOHAMMED taught, “Infidels are your sworn enemies.” Sura 4:101

JESUS taught, “Treat others how you want to be treated.” Luke 6:27-36
MOHAMMED taught, “Kill the disbelievers wherever we find them.” Sura 2: 191

JESUS taught to help disbelievers, “If ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.” Luke 6:33; Parable of Good Samaritan; “Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the sick, whatever you do to the very least you have done unto me.” Mat 25:40
MOHAMMED taught, “Never help the disbelievers,” Sura 28:86, and “Take neither the Jews nor the Christians for your friends.” Sura 5:51,60:13

JESUS taught, “Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.” Mat. 6: 10-15
MOHAMMED taught to avenge trespasses and insults committed against you, your family, or your religion to restore your honor.

JESUS taught, “If someone strikes you on one cheek, turn to them the other.” Mat. 5:39
MOHAMMED taught: “Strike off the heads of infidels in battle.” Sura 47:4

JESUS taught, “Judge not, that ye be not judged.” Mat. 7: 1
MOHAMMED taught: “If someone stops believing in Allah, kill him.” Bukhari 9:84:57

JESUS taught, “Resist not evil.” Mat. 5:39
MOHAMMED taught, “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day.” Sura 9:29

JESUS taught, “Ye have heard that it was said, Thou shalt not kill, but I say whoever is angry with his brother is in danger of the judgment.” Mat. 5:21-22
MOHAMMED taught, “No Muslim should be killed for killing an infidel.” Bukhari 1 :3: 111

JESUS taught, “Forgive, and you shall be forgiven.” Mat. 6: 14
MOHAMMED taught, “The only reward of those who make war upon Allah and His messenger will be that they will be killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet on alternate sides cut off, or will be expelled out of the land.” Sura 5:33

JESUS taught, “Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy,” and “Blessed are the peacemakers.” Mat 5:7,9
MOHAMMED taught, “Be ruthless to the infidels.” Sura 48:29

JESUS taught, “If someone takes your coat, give them your shirt.” Mat. 5:40
MOHAMMED taught, “Make war on the infidels who dwell around you.” Sura 9:123, 66:9

JESUS taught God was “Our Father” and that all are all “children of God.” Mat. 6:10
MOHAMMED taught it is blasphemy to call Allah your father, as Allah took no wife and has no children. Sura 5: 18

JESUS taught that true religion is from the inside out, voluntary, with a God of love wanting a relationship with each person.
MOHAMMED taught that religion could be forced from the outside in, with fear of an impersonal Allah who demanded strict obedience.

JESUS taught to offer peace, if they refuse, “let your peace return to you … depart out of that city, shake off the dust of your feet.” Mat. 10:14
MOHAMMED taught to offer peace to those who submit to Allah.

JESUS taught he was the Son of God, “Again the high priest asked him … Art thou the Christ, the Son of the Blessed? And Jesus said, I am.” Mark 14:61-62, and “Jesus saith unto him, I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. No man comes to the Father but by me.” John 14:6
MOHAMMED taught that believing Jesus was the Son of God was an unforgivable sin called ‘shirk’, which condemns Muslims to hell.

These are just a few contrasts between Christianity and Islam, and the differences are stark.


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Reviewing Stephen Kinzer’s “All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror”




With much of the turmoil in the Middle East centered around Iran, it is worth reviewing Stephen Kinzer’s 2008 book “All the Shah’s Men: An American Coup and the Roots of Middle East Terror” to help understand the nation of Iran as well as find some possible answers.

Iran has become number one on terrorist lists and are principal backers of groups like Hamas, Hezbollah and the Houthi rebels in Yemen. With recent drone attacks on American servicemen from Iranian-backed terrorists and the fighting in Israel, there have been calls for retaliation against Iran with some even calling for direct military action.

Kinzer wrote during a similar time when George W. Bush labeled Iran part of the “Axis of Evil.” Back then, there were calls for military action. But Kinzer’s argument against military action in 2008 may apply just as easily to the present. In “All the Shah’s Men,” Kinzer gives a brief but thorough history of modern Iran while focusing the crux of his book and America’s biggest foreign policy blunder in the 20th century — the coup that overturned Iran’s democratic government in 1952.

In his preface, The Folly of Attacking Iran, Kinzer argues against attacking Iran in 2008 and presumably also at the present. Kinzer writes, “It would turn that country’s oppressive leaders, who are now highly unpopular at home, into heroes of Islamic resistance; give them a strong incentive to launch a violent counter-campaign against  American interests around the world; greatly strengthen Iranian nationalism, Shiite irredentism, and Muslim extremism, thereby attracting countless new recruits to the cause of terror; undermine the democratic movement in Iran and destroy the prospects for political change there for at least another generation; turn the people of Iran, who are now among the most pro-American in the Middle East, into enemies of the United States; require the United States to remain deeply involved in the Persian Gulf indefinitely, forcing it to take sides in all manner of regional conflicts and thereby make a host of new enemies; enrage the Shiite-dominated government of neighboring Iraq, on which the United States is relying to calm the violence there; and quite possibly disrupt the flow of Middle East petroleum in ways that could wreak havoc on Western economies.”

While Kinzer claims average Iranians admire America, he also recognizes that every Iranian knows a part of American/Iranian history in which most Americans are unaware: the 1952 Democratic Revolution and America’s part in overturning it. The year before the very popular Iranian leader Mohammad Mossadegh became prime minister, not only was Mossadegh strong enough to take on the shah and implement democratic reforms he also took on the British who had been exploiting Iran for years. Britain had made millions from Iranian oil while the Iranians remained in poverty.  When Mossadegh took office, he made the popular decision to nationalize the oil industry and kick out the British. While most of the nation cheered him, the British were furious. They claimed the oil was theirs and took them to the International Court of Justice and the United Nations. Both venues tried to get Britain to compromise with Iran, giving the nation a more equal share in the profits and day-to-day operations. The British refused and both the UN and the World Court sided with Iran.

With their golden goose about to be lost forever, Britain’s only option was to overthrow the democratically elected government and strengthen the power of the shah. The only problem is after they were kicked out, they could not pull off the coup alone, so they turned to their American friends.

In an exceptionally written narrative, Kinzer gives the history of modern Iran and its struggle with democracy, the British, and the shah. He details the fight to achieve a constitutional government and the rise of Mossadegh, a man who finally put Iran’s interest above his own.

Most tragic was how easily the British were able to use America to do their bidding.  President Truman tried to convince the British to end their colonial practices in Iran. But once Eisenhower was elected, Ike and the Dulles brothers organized the coup. Once the British told them falsely that Mossadegh was a communist, they were in.

Tragedy compounded, according to Kinzer, because Iranians actually looked to America as their ally and a nation that would come to defend their democracy. Kinzer claims America’s betrayal set up a series of issues, some evident today. First, it allowed the shah back into Iran and for him to become more tyrannical than before the coup.

Second, since the coup was orchestrated out of the American embassy, it led directly to the Iran hostage crisis and the 1979 revolution. Revolutionaries were not going to be betrayed again. This time however the revolution was not a democratic one, but an Islamic fundamentalist one. This revolution drove Iran and America even further apart causing the U.S. to support Iraq in the war between the two nations, strengthening the power of Saddam Hussein in Iraq. This only strengthened the fundamentalists who began to support world terrorist groups like Hezbollah.

Kinzer wrote, “The world has paid a heavy price for the lack of democracy in most of the Middle East. Operation Ajax taught tyrants and aspiring tyrants there that the world’s most powerful governments were willing to tolerate limitless oppression as long as oppressive regimes were friendly to the West and the Western oil companies.  That helped tilt the political balance in a vast region away from freedom and towards dictatorship.”

With the world mourning the violence in Israel, it is difficult to not ask questions. What if America would have supported a democratic Iran instead of destroying it? Would a democratic, secular Iran fund an organization like Hamas? And without Hamas and Hezbollah, could it be easier for Israelis and Palestinians to find peaceful reconciliation?

What’s done is done, and we can’t go back and fix our mistakes. However, we can learn from them while also understanding more about Iran’s interesting and complicated history. To understand the situation in Iran and even plot a possible course moving forward, Kinzer’s book is definitely worth a read.

James Finck, Ph.D. is a professor of history at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. He can be reached at

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Heartbreak in Our Cemetery: A Mother’s Day Tragedy



As we celebrated Mother’s Day with love and remembrance, a shadow fell over our community, leaving hearts shattered and families devastated. This past weekend, our local cemetery, a place meant for solace and reverence, turned into a scene of unimaginable loss and disrespect.

For many, the cemetery serves as a sacred space to honor and remember our loved ones who have passed on. It’s a place where we find comfort in visiting, where memories come alive amidst the quiet serenity of nature. But this Mother’s Day, instead of solace, families were met with heartbreak as the cemetery administration decided to “spruce up” the grounds by discarding everything in sight.

The sight of a dumpster overflowing with flowers, sentimental items, and hundreds of flags and flag poles was a gut-wrenching blow to those who hold dearly to the memories of their departed loved ones. Among those lost treasures was my own nephew’s graduation tassel and personalized flag, a poignant reminder of a life taken too soon at the tender age of 17.

As an elementary school teacher, I couldn’t help but feel compelled to speak up, to demand answers for this unfathomable act of disregard. I approached the individual in charge, Mark, seeking an explanation for this callous decision. His apology offered little solace as he claimed ignorance, stating that the board simply wanted to “spruce up” the cemetery for Mother’s Day.

In this day and age, where communication is as simple as a click of a button, it’s inconceivable that the administration failed to provide even a modicum of warning to the grieving families. A simple sign, an email, or a letter would have sufficed to alert us to the impending upheaval.

In my desperation, I spent hours dumpster diving, sifting through the debris in search of my nephew’s precious mementos. Mark’s hollow reassurances and evasive explanations only added salt to the wound, leaving me feeling betrayed and abandoned in my grief.

The cemetery holds a sacred place in the hearts of so many in our community, offering a sense of connection and peace amidst the pain of loss. To see it desecrated in such a manner is not only disrespectful but profoundly hurtful to those who find solace within its grounds.

As we grapple with the aftermath of this tragedy, let us come together as a community to demand accountability and ensure that such heartbreak never befalls another family. Our loved ones may no longer be with us, but their memories deserve to be honored and cherished with the utmost respect and reverence.

Let us stand united in our grief, advocating for the dignity and sanctity of our cemetery, and ensuring that the memories of our departed loved ones remain undisturbed and forever enshrined in our hearts.

Cary Poe
A Grieving Member of the Community

This article is about the recent cleanup at Prospect Cemetry.

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Why Over Working Teachers is Cheaper: A Shortsighted Tactic With Far-Reaching Consequences



Most citizens are unaware of the additional division costs that come on top of the salary expense for every full-time teacher.  Things like FICA (7.65%), VRS retirement (16.62%), retiree health credit (1.21%), group life (1.34%), and workers comp (.20%) add an extra 27.02% per teacher to the salary cost.  On top of that, add health insurance benefit costs to the division, which for the upcoming year will increase by $600k.

When classes are covered by long term subs (who are not full-time division employees) there is no added 27% expense, nor is there a cost for health insurance to the division.  The same is true when existing teachers sacrifice their planning periods or lunch breaks to cover for these vacant positions; the division has already paid that teacher’s benefit costs, so there is a significant savings when a teacher does double duty.

But what is the true cost of the monetary savings created by overworking our teachers?

Burnout.  44% of K-12 teachers report feeling burnout.  30% of K-12 teachers are choosing early retirement.  Up to 30% of new teachers are quitting within their first 5 years of teaching.  (  While there are many contributing factors, being over worked to cover vacancies is a cause of burnout.

Learning Loss.  Reduced instructional effectiveness is the result of teacher vacancies.  Lower test scores and increased disciplinary issues are two known outcomes when classes must be covered in whatever manner possible due to an unfilled position.

The issue currently being raised by county supervisors is that full funding has already been allocated for positions to be filled by full-time employees with benefits; but the school division is not filling them as planned.  This leaves a significant amount of money unaccounted for.

The board of supervisors has asked questions about vacancy numbers this budget season.  Their concern is money appropriated for teaching positions is not being spent in the manner in which it was intended.  By keeping positions vacant (or filling them in non-traditional ways), the division is able to realize significant cost savings, and in turn spend that money elsewhere—and the supervisors are questioning where exactly it is being spent.  The BOS wants accurate and adequate tracking of these vacancies, the amount of cost savings from unfilled positions, and where specifically that money was spent.  They want to ensure tax dollars are making it into the classrooms as intended, and not being used as a slush fund to cover areas of overspending (such as legal fees).

Accountability, transparency, and fiscal responsibility are what the supervisors are requesting from the school division this budget season.  Their aim being to protect the teachers and students by ensuring the dollars make it to where they were intended to be used.

Melanie Salins
Warren County, VA

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Challenging the Sitting President: ‘Is Democracy Still America’s Sacred Cause?’




During his Valley Forge speech earlier this month, where he stated this election is about whether democracy would survive, President Joe Biden asked, “Is democracy still America’s sacred cause?”

Biden believes former president and Republican frontrunner Donald Trump wants to end democracy while his campaign aims to preserve it. Now, Biden may be calling for democracy, but Trump is currently removed from primary ballots of Colorado and Maine. Even more, Democrats have blocked members of their own party from challenging the president in some primaries.

Holding primaries and challenging a sitting president are uncommon. Historically speaking, there have been four eligible presidents who were not renominated, the last of which being in LBJ in 1968.

Normally, incumbent presidents are not challenged and many states declare them winners without holding primaries. Yet, recent times are far from normal. Trump has several pending court cases. And, on the Democratic side, according to ABC News, Biden has the lowest approval ratings (about 33%) in the past 15 years. With numbers like this, it seems only right that other Democrats challenge Biden for the presidency.

In at least eight Democratic state primaries, one or more candidates challenging Biden are missing from the ballot. Currently, the two leading Democratic challengers, Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson, author and founder of Project Angel Food, are missing from the ballot. Earlier Robert Kennedy Jr. threw his hat in the ring but when it was rejected, he decided to run as an Independent.

It is difficult to call anyone a contender as Democrats have not held debates, and states are ignoring candidates on their primary ballots. Even if the Democratic Party allows these challengers to run, they will face an uphill battle, but not an impossible one.

In several articles, I have said that the political craziness of 1968 is very similar to our own. When it comes to challenging a sitting president, once again, this comparison holds true.
In 1968, incumbent President Lyndon B. Johnson was preparing for a second run (it would be his third term as he completed John F. Kennedy’s term after his assassination, but by law a president can serve for 10 years.)

Like Biden, LBJ’s approval ratings were incredibly low, under 40%. Johnson’s biggest issue had been the war in Vietnam, which he claimed America was winning. However, 1968 began with the Tet Offensive which killed more than 2,600 American soldiers. Because of Johnson’s handling of the war, the student movement (student activists aiming to promote political, environmental or social change) began calling for Robert Kennedy, the younger brother of slain President John F. Kennedy, to challenge Johnson in the primaries.

Johnson and Robert Kennedy were famous political rivals. Kennedy wanted to replace Johnson and change his policies. Not knowing if he could win, and worried that an attempt might not only hurt his future chances but also divide the Democratic Party, Kennedy refused to run.
The student movement found another champion in U.S. Sen. Eugene McCarthy of Minnesota, who was critical of Johnson and his war policies. McCarthy did not believe the nation could survive four more years under the Johnson administration.

Knowing the odds were against him, students still rallied behind McCarthy. Many cut their hair and put on nice clothes to “Get Clean for Gene” and canvased neighborhoods. As always, the first primary was held in New Hampshire. To everyone’s surprise, McCarthy came in a close second, Johnson 49% to McCarthy’s 41%.

With blood in the water, Robert Kennedy also decided to challenge Johnson. On March 16, Kennedy threw his hat into the ring.

To the surprise of Kennedy, McCarthy and the nation, Johnson announced on March 31 that for the good of the nation in a time of crisis he would no longer seek the nomination of his party.
For only the fourth time in our nation’s history, a sitting president would not be renominated, opening the door for Kennedy. Yet, McCarthy had a head start and many of the students had already committed to him. It would take until May 7 for Kennedy to win his first primary in Indiana.

Kennedy and McCarthy went back and forth winning states, neither gaining a clear advantage. They also had to face a new challenger in Hubert Humphrey, Johnson’s vice president, who took up Johnson’s fight after he left the race. The Democratic Party was clearly split as the more liberal wing and students fought between McCarthy and Kennedy and the moderate Democrats supported Humphrey.

It went that way until the California Primary on June 2. After Kennedy’s win, he, too, was assassinated. Once again, the nation was in crisis as a second Kennedy had been shot down. As the nation mourned, McCarthy suspended his campaign for a while, opening the door for Humphrey.

I have often heard that if Kennedy had not been shot, he would have won the primary and beaten Nixon. I am not as convinced. The primaries were about to head south where Kennedy was not as popular. We will never know as Kennedy died in California and Humphrey was able to capture the nomination at the Chicago convention only to lose to Nixon in the general election. While this election was marred with tragedy, it did demonstrate the democratic process in action.

It is rare to challenge a sitting president, but under the right circumstances it may be necessary. While Johnson was not happy with the outcome, at least the challengers were allowed to stand up and say there can be a different path. Yet, in our current election, instead of a candidate, democracy may be what’s assassinated.

James Finck is a professor of history at the University of Science and Arts of Oklahoma. He may be reached at

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Summarizing the Questions Surrounding the School’s Budget



After years of significant budget increases without student growth, the county supervisors gave a clear assignment to the school board this budget season–pass a lean budget because public safety needs are a funding priority this year. Recent wildfires and climbing crime rates demonstrate the community’s need for law enforcement and fire & rescue, so it was a concern to supervisors when the school system asked to consume approximately $2.5 million of the mere $4 million additional revenue created by the recently passed tax increase.

The supervisors brought attention to issues with the school system’s priorities as reflected by their proposed spending.  Concerns raised included:

* The choice to add a $100k/yr. communications director position while cutting the addition of a second agriculture teacher to help serve the demands of the successful ag program that is filled to capacity.

* The desire to spend $1.5 million to replace tennis courts while cutting the proposed HVAC program at Blue Ridge Tech.

* Giving across the board admin raises while cutting the proposed “experienced teacher stipend” that aimed to attract seasoned veteran teachers to federally struggling Skyline Middle School.

Attention was then brought to mismanagement of the current year’s spending; the $55k legal budget having already been overspent to exceed $160k with tens of thousands of additional invoices likely still looming.

Next, was discussion about teaching positions the county had appropriated money for but were left unfilled.  Where was the monetary excess from those vacancies; had it been moved and spent elsewhere?  The school system had not been able to provide an answer by the time of this meeting.  The superintendent stated there were a mere 4 vacancies; a number the county supervisors and this North River School board member did not believe to be accurate, citing long term sub data and the knowledge of teachers covering other classes during planning periods.

The one thing everyone in the room seemed to agree on was teachers, who are in short supply and dealing with ever increasing discipline problems, deserve a raise.  The county supervisors have asked the school board to revise their proposed budget.

Melanie Salins
Warren County, VA

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