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What you should know about being a virtual assistant



Virtual assistants support their clients remotely. Since they work indepen¬dently, many of these professionals have more say in where and when they work. This enables them to travel or remain close to home, depending on their priorities. If you have domestic responsibilities or want to see more of the world, this career might be right for you.

You can offer a variety of services

The range of work provided by virtual assistants is continuously growing. Here are just some of the services you can offer remotely:

• Accounting and bookkeeping
• Administrative tasks like data entry, transcription, and scheduling
• Website design and development
• Blogging, newsletter writing, and social media management
• Customer service
• Client outreach and lead generation

You can work for yourself or an agency

Many virtual assistants start by finding work from within their contacts and building a reputation over time. If you take this approach, you’ll need to manage your own invoicing, payment collection, and taxes. A virtual assistant agency can take some of these tasks off your hands and help you find work. This will free you up to focus on what you do best.

You can get training online or at a college
You can take an online course to learn the ins and outs of being a virtual assistant. But first, ensure your skills are honed for whatever services you want. Your local college can help you prepare for the career you want.

Job Market

Discovering the World of Actuaries: A Path Less Traveled



If you’re someone who thrives on intellectual challenges and has a knack for numbers, the profession of an actuary might be the career you never knew you were destined for. Often unsung heroes in the corporate world, actuaries play a pivotal role in steering companies through the murky waters of financial risk. Here’s why venturing into the realm of actuarial science could be a game-changer for your career.

High Demand in the Job Market

In today’s unpredictable economic climate, anticipating and mitigating risks is more valuable than ever. Actuaries, with their unique blend of skills in mathematics, statistics, and financial theory, are at the forefront of this demand. Their expertise in assessing risk and formulating strategies is crucial across various sectors, making them indispensable assets to their employers.

Practical Application of Mathematical Skills

Actuarial science offers a fulfilling pathway for those who love math but are seeking tangible applications for their skills. Actuaries utilize advanced mathematical and statistical models to analyze data, helping businesses understand the financial implications of various risks. This profession not only satisfies the intellectual curiosity associated with complex problem-solving but also allows you to see the real-world impact of your work.

Diverse Career Opportunities

One of the most appealing aspects of becoming an actuary is the breadth of opportunities it presents. While insurance, pensions, and healthcare are traditional sectors employing actuaries, today’s professionals can find roles in finance, consulting, government, and even tech startups. This diversity means you can align your actuarial career with your personal interests and values, ensuring a fulfilling professional life.

A Secure and Rewarding Career Path

With a solid educational foundation in actuarial science, graduates can look forward to not just securing a job but embarking on a career that promises excellent working conditions and a competitive salary. The path to becoming a certified actuary involves passing a series of rigorous exams, but the reward is a stable and respected profession with ample room for growth and specialization.

For those intrigued by the prospect of becoming an actuary, now is an opportune time to explore actuarial study programs offered by higher education institutions. This career path offers financial stability and the chance to make significant contributions to the strategic decisions of businesses and organizations worldwide.

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Job Market

Embracing Hybrid Work: A Balance Between Office and Remote Work



The evolution of the workplace has led to the rise of hybrid work models, blending the traditional office environment with the flexibility of working remotely. This modern approach to work is being hailed as the best of both worlds, offering numerous benefits to both employees and employers. Here’s why a hybrid work schedule is becoming the preferred choice for many.

Increased Motivation and Satisfaction

Hybrid work models offer unparalleled flexibility, allowing employees to tailor their work environments to suit their needs. Whether it’s choosing the days to work from the office or having the autonomy to set their own schedules, this flexibility can significantly boost motivation and job satisfaction. Employees feel valued and trusted, which, in turn, fosters a positive workplace culture.

Enhanced Productivity

The flexibility to work from a preferred environment, be it a quiet home office or a buzzing corporate space, can lead to increased productivity. Remote work eliminates commuting time and office distractions, offering employees the tranquility needed for focused work. Meanwhile, office days encourage collaboration and creativity and strengthen team bonds, contributing to a dynamic and innovative work atmosphere.

Improved Work-Life Balance

One of the most significant advantages of a hybrid work model is the potential for a better work-life balance. By allowing employees to manage their schedules, companies acknowledge the importance of personal time and commitments outside of work. This respect for work-life balance can reduce stress levels, prevent burnout, and promote overall well-being, leading to happier and more productive employees.

The Future of Work

The hybrid work model represents a shift towards a more flexible, employee-centered approach to work. It acknowledges the diverse needs and preferences of the workforce, offering a solution that caters to individual productivity styles while maintaining the benefits of in-person collaboration. As more companies adopt this model, it’s clear that the future of work lies in creating adaptable, supportive environments that empower employees to perform at their best, wherever they may be.

Hybrid work is not without its challenges, including maintaining company culture and ensuring seamless communication across distributed teams. However, with the right strategies and tools in place, these obstacles can be overcome, allowing companies and employees alike to reap the rewards of this innovative work model.

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Embarking on a Rewarding Career in Human Resources



Human Resources (HR) is a vibrant and crucial sector within any organization, playing a pivotal role in shaping the workplace and influencing every employee’s experience. Far from being limited to administrative duties, a career in HR opens up a myriad of opportunities for those passionate about fostering positive work environments, enhancing employee development, and contributing to organizational success. Here’s a closer look at the dynamic world of HR and how continuing education can propel your career forward.

The Multifaceted World of HR

HR professionals are the backbone of talent management, ensuring that the right people are in the right roles and are fully engaged and productive. They are responsible for a wide range of critical functions, including:

  • Recruitment and Hiring: Identifying talent needs, sourcing candidates, and managing the hiring process to bring in the best fit for the organization.
  • Training and Development: Designing and implementing programs that onboard new employees effectively and promote ongoing professional growth.
  • Employee Relations: Acting as mediators, HR specialists work to resolve workplace conflicts, maintain positive employee relations, and ensure a healthy work environment.
  • Compensation and Benefits: Developing and managing compensation structures and benefits programs that attract and retain top talent.
  • Labor Relations: Navigating the complexities of labor laws and union relations to ensure compliance and harmony in the workplace.

Career Paths in HR

The HR field offers a diverse range of roles, each with its unique challenges and rewards:

  • Labor Relations Specialist: Focuses on negotiating, drafting, and overseeing agreements with labor unions.
  • Compensation and Benefits Manager: Specializes in designing and managing pay structures and benefits packages.
  • HR Consultant: Provides expert advice to organizations on various HR matters, from organizational development to compliance with HR laws.

The Importance of Continuing Education

In the ever-evolving landscape of HR, staying updated with the latest trends, laws, and best practices is crucial. Continuing education through conferences, workshops, certifications, and advanced degrees is key to advancing your career in HR. It enriches your knowledge and skills and demonstrates your commitment to professional growth, making you more valuable to employers.

Launching Your HR Career

Whether you’re just starting out or looking to advance in the field of HR, embracing the opportunities for learning and development is essential. With a commitment to continuing education and a passion for people, you can enjoy a fulfilling and successful career in human resources.

Human Resources offers a world of opportunities to significantly impact an organization’s culture and its employees’ well-being and career progression. If you’re drawn to a profession that centers around enhancing the workplace and supporting employee growth, HR might be the perfect field for you.

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Job Market

Enhancing Career Development Through Micro Habits



In today’s rapidly evolving professional landscape, staying ahead requires both adaptability and a continuous commitment to personal and professional development. One innovative approach to achieving lasting progress is the integration of micro habits into your daily routine. These small, manageable actions can significantly impact your career growth over time. Here’s how to leverage micro habits for your career development.

Understanding Micro Habits

Micro habits are small, easily achievable actions that can be seamlessly incorporated into your daily routine. Instead of overwhelming yourself with major changes, micro habits focus on making slight adjustments that are sustainable over the long term. For instance, dedicating a few minutes each day to industry-related reading or goal setting can gradually enhance your knowledge and focus.

Benefits of Micro Habits

The beauty of micro habits lies in their simplicity and their cumulative effect on your career development. Among their advantages are:

  • Steady Progress: Micro habits ensure consistent progress in your career by making improvement a daily practice.
  • Increased Discipline: Regularly practicing these habits reinforces self-discipline and helps establish a productive routine.
  • Cumulative Impact: Though small on their own, the long-term impact of these habits can lead to significant professional growth and success.

Incorporating Micro Habits into Your Routine

To effectively implement micro habits into your career development strategy, consider the following steps:

  1. Identify Growth Areas: Pinpoint aspects of your career you wish to improve or develop further.
  2. Set Realistic Goals: Choose micro habits that are achievable and relevant to your career goals. Simple habits are more likely to stick.
  3. Track Your Progress: Use a planner or digital tool to monitor your micro habits and ensure you’re consistent.

Examples of Micro Habits for Career Development

  • Daily Goal Setting: Start your day by setting clear, achievable goals to maintain focus and direction.
  • Industry Reading: Dedicate 10-15 minutes each day to reading articles or reports related to your field to stay informed and inspired.
  • Networking Efforts: Make it a habit to connect with a new professional in your industry each week to gradually expand your network.
  • Skill Development: Allocate a few minutes each day to learning a new skill or enhancing an existing one through online courses or practice.

Moving Forward

Consistency and persistence are the keys to successfully integrating micro habits into your career development. By focusing on small, daily actions, you can make significant strides in your professional growth. Remember, a thousand-mile journey begins with a single step—or, in this case, a single micro habit. Embrace the power of small changes, and watch as they lead to big results in your career.

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Job Market

The Power of Continuing Education in Your Career



In today’s ever-evolving job market, staying ahead means continuously upgrading your skills and knowledge. Continuing education is no longer just an option; it’s a necessity for those aiming to remain competitive and advance their careers. Here’s a closer look at how continuing education can serve as a springboard to your professional success.

Why Pursue Continuing Education?

Stay Updated: The primary benefit of continuing education is keeping abreast of the latest trends, technologies, and methodologies in your field. This ongoing learning process ensures your skills stay relevant and sharp.

Career Advancement: Employers highly value employees who show a commitment to personal and professional development. By pursuing additional certifications or training, you’re enhancing your skill set and increasing your chances for promotions, salary increases, and new roles within your organization.

Networking Opportunities: Participating in courses, workshops, and industry conferences allows you to meet and connect with other professionals in your field. These connections can be invaluable resources for knowledge sharing, mentorship, and even job opportunities.

Considering the Investment

While the advantages are clear, continuing education requires a significant investment of time and money. Viewing these commitments through the lens of long-term career growth is essential. Many employers offer tuition assistance or professional development funds, recognizing the mutual benefits of an educated and skilled workforce.

Making the Right Choice

With a vast array of available programs, choosing the right course or workshop can be daunting. Start by identifying the skills or knowledge gaps that align with your career goals and seek out programs that address these areas. Consider the format that works best for you, whether online, in-person, or hybrid, and look for reputable institutions or organizations that offer the training you need.

The Path Forward

Continuing education is a critical element in the formula for professional success. By carefully selecting relevant programs and leveraging the opportunities they provide, you can enhance your current job performance and pave the way for future career growth. Remember, in the fast-paced world of work, those who are willing to learn and adapt are the ones who thrive.

Embrace the challenge and opportunity that continuing education presents. It’s an investment in your future that pays dividends in knowledge, skills, and career advancement.

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Job Market

Essential Skills for Customer Service Excellence



In the dynamic world of customer service, certain skills set apart the good from the great. Whether you’re just starting your career or aiming to refine your expertise, mastering these five skills is crucial for anyone looking to excel in customer service roles.

1. Empathy: The Heart of Customer Service

Understanding and sharing the feelings of others is at the core of effective customer service. Empathy allows professionals to connect with customers on a personal level, offering support and understanding that goes beyond mere transactions. It’s about seeing the issue through the customer’s eyes and offering solutions that truly resonate with their needs and emotions.

2. Communication: More Than Just Words

Effective customer service communication involves listening and responding so that the customer feels understood and valued. It’s about active listening, where you fully concentrate, understand, respond, and then remember what is being said. Clear and concise communication, free from jargon, ensures the customer understands the solution.

3. Problem Solving: Navigating Challenges

The ability to quickly assess a situation, understand its complexity, and find an effective solution is indispensable in customer service. This skill involves creativity, logic, and a deep understanding of the customer’s needs. Effective problem solvers can turn challenges into opportunities for building stronger customer relationships.

4. Product and Service Knowledge: The Foundation of Trust

A comprehensive understanding of the products or services being offered is fundamental. Customers rely on service professionals for accurate information and guidance. This knowledge helps address specific queries and suggests additional value that the customer might not have considered.

5. Time Management: Prioritizing Efficiency

In the fast-paced environment of customer service, managing time efficiently ensures that each customer receives prompt and attentive service. Good time management involves prioritizing tasks, dealing with inquiries efficiently, and knowing when to escalate issues to ensure resolutions are achieved without unnecessary delays.

By honing these skills, customer service professionals can significantly enhance the customer experience, leading to increased satisfaction, loyalty, and advocacy for the brand. Whether dealing with customers directly or supporting those who do, remember that excellence in customer service is not just about solving problems but creating value in every interaction.

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Thank You to our Local Business Participants:


Aders Insurance Agency, Inc (State Farm)

Aire Serv Heating and Air Conditioning

Apple Dumpling Learning Center

Apple House

Auto Care Clinic

Avery-Hess Realty, Marilyn King

Beaver Tree Services

Blake and Co. Hair Spa

Blue Mountain Creative Consulting

Blue Ridge Arts Council

Blue Ridge Education

BNI Shenandoah Valley

C&C's Ice Cream Shop

Card My Yard

CBM Mortgage, Michelle Napier

Christine Binnix - McEnearney Associates

Code Jamboree LLC

Code Ninjas Front Royal

Cool Techs Heating and Air

Down Home Comfort Bakery

Downtown Market

Dusty's Country Store

Edward Jones-Bret Hrbek

Explore Art & Clay

Family Preservation Services

First Baptist Church

Front Royal Independent Business Alliance

Front Royal/Warren County C-CAP

First Baptist Church

Front Royal Treatment Center

Front Royal Women's Resource Center

Front Royal-Warren County Chamber of Commerce

Fussell Florist

G&M Auto Sales Inc

Garcia & Gavino Family Bakery

Gourmet Delights Gifts & Framing

Green to Ground Electrical

Groups Recover Together

Habitat for Humanity

Groups Recover Together

House of Hope

I Want Candy

I'm Just Me Movement

Jean’s Jewelers

Jen Avery, REALTOR & Jenspiration, LLC

Key Move Properties, LLC

KW Solutions

Legal Services Plans of Northern Shenendoah

Main Street Travel

Makeover Marketing Systems

Marlow Automotive Group

Mary Carnahan Graphic Design

Merchants on Main Street

Mountain Trails

Mountain View Music

National Media Services

Natural Results Chiropractic Clinic

No Doubt Accounting

Northwestern Community Services Board

Ole Timers Antiques

Penny Lane Hair Co.

Philip Vaught Real Estate Management

Phoenix Project

Reaching Out Now

Rotary Club of Warren County

Royal Blends Nutrition

Royal Cinemas

Royal Examiner

Royal Family Bowling Center

Royal Oak Bookshop

Royal Oak Computers

Royal Oak Bookshop

Royal Spice

Ruby Yoga

Salvation Army

Samuels Public Library

SaVida Health

Skyline Insurance

Shenandoah Shores Management Group

St. Luke Community Clinic

Strites Doughnuts

Studio Verde

The Arc of Warren County

The Institute for Association & Nonprofit Research

The Studio-A Place for Learning

The Valley Today - The River 95.3

The Vine and Leaf

Valley Chorale

Warren Charge (Bennett's Chapel, Limeton, Asbury)

Warren Coalition

Warren County Democratic Committee

Warren County Department of Social Services

Warren County DSS Job Development

Warrior Psychotherapy Services, PLLC

WCPS Work-Based Learning

What Matters & Beth Medved Waller, Inc Real Estate

White Picket Fence

Woodward House on Manor Grade

King Cartoons

Front Royal, VA
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6:29 am7:54 pm EDT
Feels like: 57°F
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Upcoming Events

7:00 am Pancake Breakfast @ Riverton United Methodist Church
Pancake Breakfast @ Riverton United Methodist Church
Apr 20 @ 7:00 am – 10:00 am
Pancake Breakfast @ Riverton United Methodist Church
Join us for pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, biscuits, sausage gravy, and juice/coffee! All are invited for this FREE event. Offering will be accepted.
10:00 am Earth Day Service Project @ Sky Meadows State Park
Earth Day Service Project @ Sky Meadows State Park
Apr 20 @ 10:00 am – 1:00 pm
Earth Day Service Project @ Sky Meadows State Park
Historic Area. Celebrate Earth Day with a service project to protect our area’s natural resources for future generations to enjoy. Participants will help to plant native trees along historic Boston Mill Road. We will discuss[...]
10:00 am Habitat Detectives @ Sky Meadows State Park
Habitat Detectives @ Sky Meadows State Park
Apr 20 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Habitat Detectives @ Sky Meadows State Park
Picnic Area. Take a walk of exploration with two Virginia Master Naturalists in this series of seasonal walks planned for children. Use your five senses to find clues to how various organisms – plants, animals,[...]
5:00 pm Stars & Guitars @ Sky Meadows State Park
Stars & Guitars @ Sky Meadows State Park
Apr 20 @ 5:00 pm – 10:00 pm
Stars & Guitars @ Sky Meadows State Park
Historic Area. Experience the magic of an unforgettable evening this Earth Day under the moonlight at Stars & Guitars. Gather your loved ones, pack your blankets, and immerse yourself in a night of music, food,[...]
5:30 pm Youth Art Month Exhibition @ Laurel Ridge's Sekel Art Atrium in Cornerstone Hall
Youth Art Month Exhibition @ Laurel Ridge's Sekel Art Atrium in Cornerstone Hall
Apr 24 @ 5:30 pm – 7:00 pm
Youth Art Month Exhibition @ Laurel Ridge's Sekel Art Atrium in Cornerstone Hall
There will be a closing reception for Arte Libre VA’s inaugural Youth Art Month Exhibition at 5:30 p.m., Wednesday, April 24, in Laurel Ridge’s Sekel Art Atrium in Cornerstone Hall. Celebrating young artists of the[...]
6:30 pm Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Apr 24 @ 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Front Royal Wednesday Night Bingo @ Front Royal Volunteer Fire Deptartment
Bingo to support the American Cancer Society mission, organized by Relay For Life of Front Royal. Every Wednesday evening Early Bird Bingo at 6:30 p.m. Regular Bingo from 7-9:30 p.m. Food and refreshments available More[...]
8:00 am Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale @ Living Water Christian Church
Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale @ Living Water Christian Church
Apr 27 @ 8:00 am – 3:00 pm
Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale @ Living Water Christian Church
We will be hosting a Craft Bazaar and Bake Sale on April 27, 2024, from 8am-3pm. We have a lot of new vendors and door prizes! Come on out, we would love to see you![...]
9:00 am Let’s Volunteer: Historic Garden... @ Sky Meadows State Park
Let’s Volunteer: Historic Garden... @ Sky Meadows State Park
Apr 27 @ 9:00 am – 2:30 pm
Let's Volunteer: Historic Gardening Day! @ Sky Meadows State Park
Historic Area. Get your hands dirty this special volunteer day in our historic garden! Our historic kitchen garden is an important tool for both education and fundraising at Sky Meadow’s State Park. This year we[...]
10:00 am Vernal Pool Adventures @ Sky Meadows State Park
Vernal Pool Adventures @ Sky Meadows State Park
Apr 27 @ 10:00 am – 11:00 am
Vernal Pool Adventures @ Sky Meadows State Park
Picnic Area. The appearance of frogs and salamanders is a sure sign of spring. Vernal pools, which are shallow pools of water that dry in the summer heat, provide a place for some very special[...]
6:00 pm 11th Annual A Taste for Books: B... @ Samuels Public Library
11th Annual A Taste for Books: B... @ Samuels Public Library
Apr 27 @ 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm
11th Annual A Taste for Books: British Invasion @ Samuels Public Library
Samuels Public Library will hold its 11th A Taste for Books fundraiser on Saturday, April 27, 2024 from 6:00 PM to 8:30 PM. This much-anticipated event is known as Warren County’s best party of the[...]
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